MoneyManager Android App

By | 20:13
The MoneyManager Android App by swordiApps can be a cash managing application for the Android. Monitor your incoming and outgoing transactions correct from your telephone. The app supports diverse currencies and date formats which you are able to edit to your preference.

When the app first loads you've three alternatives: enter your incoming payments, outgoing payments and overview. You can find several general categories for the incoming and outgoing payments and it is possible to also add your own by selecting the “New” option. If you have to edit a category it is possible to do this as well. The overview menu displays all of your incoming and outgoing payments and it is possible to filter these by pressing the Menu button on your phone. You are able to also find the Choices menu by pressing the Menu button on your mobile phone. Here you are able to change the currency, Date Format, Theme, Font Size and enable Password Protection. Once you set a password you will be prompted to enter it each and every time you load the application.

A few suggestions:
Whenever you switch from the keyboard to the display screen, you have to start all over if you are entering in an incoming or outgoing payment. This would be far better if it had a smoother transition between the two.
The capability to export the data into a CSV file and import information into the application to keep it up to date.
For added security, incase the phone gets lost or stolen the ability to wipe the info clean from the mobile phone remotely somehow like from a internet site.

Overall, this app has a lot of potential and is really a great tool to aid you stay organized whilst your are out and about. The developer states within the app’s description that they're open to suggestions from users for new functions which is really a huge plus. At the time of this review the MoneyManager Android App is free of charge.