Juice Defender Ultimate - Android App & Tablet Download apk

By | 16:25
– Among the different “apps” that every user should have on your Android Phone, Juice Defender is definitely one of the most useful talking about battery life; problem that afflicts many smartphones today …… and who uses them. Its operation is simple: assuming that a data connection always on, (even when one is sleeping), consumes lots of battery, Juice Defender handles fully automated the various connections, (APN WiFi, Autosync, etc.) , thus avoiding too fast consumption of the charge. It is located on the market in both full pay, which in the free version with some features disabled, but no time limit for use. Once installed and started, the program asks you to do a setup for “knowing” your system and set the various options and then start working. As soon as the short setup and enabled by the large button on his screen, the program active in memory and you can go to customize all Fuzion (some are not available on free) to suit your needs Juice defender ultimate apk. Click Here To Download